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PMC Specialties Group, Inc., headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, is a subsidiary of PMC, Inc. We Specialize in manufacturing and distribution to tailor specific solutions to a wide variety of customer needs. Let us know what you need and someone will get right back to you.
Contact Info
Customer Service Department
PMC Specialties Group, Inc. 501 Murray Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45217
Phone: (800) 543-2466
Fax: (513) 482-7370
Email: Davidsc@pmcsg.com
Web: www.pmcsg.com
North America:
Customer Service Department
PMC Specialties Group, Inc.
501 Murray Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45217
Tel: (800) 543-2466
Fax: (513) 482-7370
Contact Jeff Radel
jradel@pmcsg.com -
Asia Pacific & Latin America:
Customer Service Department
PMC Specialties Group, Inc.
501 Murray Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45217
Tel: (800) 543-2466
Fax: (513) 482-4654
Contact Cory Davids
davidsc@pmcsg.com Europe Africa & East Asia:
Customer Service Department
PMC Specialties Group Business
Raschig GMBH
Mundenheimer StraBe 100
D - 67061 Ludwigshafen, Germany
Tel: +49 (621) 56 18-0
Fax: +49 (621) 56 18-661
Contact Branka Arsic